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Interconnection Network Architecture

Message and Granularity

The fabric that interconnects multiple processors must have low latency and high bandwidth. The requirements of interconnection fabric performance stands for:

  • messages are very short. Many messages are coherence protocol requests and responses not containing data, while some messages contain a small amount (cache-block size) of data
  • messages are generated frequently, since each read or write miss potentially generates coherence messages involving several nodes
  • message is generated due to a processor read or write event, the ability of the processor to hide the message communication delay is relatively low

Concept: Link and phit A link is a set of wires that connect two nodes. The minimum amount of data that can be transmitted in one cycle is called a phit. A phit is typically determined by the width of the link. The maximum rate at which a packet can be streamed through a link is referred to as the link bandwidth.

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Concept: Packet Large message is fragmented and encapsulated into packets. Each part of the message becomes a packet payload, which is encapsulated by a header(h) and trailer(t). The fragmentation allows a message to be transmitted in parts independently of one another, and the header and trailer ensure reliable delivery of the message and contain sufficient information to reassemble the packets into the original message at the destination. If the packet header is designed to ft the size of a fit, the fit that contains the header is referred to as the header fit, the same for trailer fit. The packet payload is broken into body fits.

A fit worth of data can be accepted or rejected at the receiver, depending on the amount of buffering available at the receiver and the flow control protocol used. The flow control mechanism works at the link level to ensure that data is not accepted too fast that it overflows the buffer at the receiving router.

Lossy and lossless network:

  • In a lossy network, overflowing a buffer results in fits being dropped and the dropped fits require retransmission in the future.
  • For latency reasons, a lossless network is preferred, in which fits should not be dropped and retransmitted.

stop/go protocol A sender router sends fits of a packet to a receiver router as long as the receiver asserts a “go” signal:

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The stop/go threshold is determined by the round-trip latency between sender and receiver, such that there is no risk of overflowing the buffer.


credit-based protocol credit-based flow control requires the receiver to send out the precise number of entries available in its buffer. The sender uses this number to decide whether to send more fits or not.

Message Latency

Sending a single message of size LL over a channel in a network with bandwidth BB, is considered as the transfer as being composed of the latency of the first bit being transmitted to the destination (referred to as the header latency ThT_{h}), plus the latency for the remaining portion of the message trailing behind the first bit (referred to as the serialization latency TsT_{s}). Putting it together, the latency for sending the message is:

T=Th+Ts=H×Tr+LB\begin{align} T&=T_{h}+T_{s}\\ &=H\times T_{r} + \frac{L}{B} \end{align}

Where the first bit has to travel through HH hops and each hop incurs a routing latency of TrT_r, then the header latency is H×TrH\times T_r, and the serialization latency is LB\frac{L}{B}. Reducing the routing latency is difficult. However, the hop count can easily be increased or decreased by changing the overall topology of the network.

Network Topology

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The k-ary d-mesh (a.k.a. k-ary n-dimensional mesh) topology is a typical one. For a k-ary d-mesh network, overall there are kdk^d nodes in the system. The maximum distance in each dimension is one less than the number of nodes in a dimension, i.e., k1k - 1. Since there are dd dimensions, the diameter of a k-ary d-mesh is d×(k1)d \times (k - 1). The bisection bandwidth can be obtained by cutting the network into two equal halves. This cut is performed with a plane one dimension less than the mesh, therefore, the bisection bandwidth is kd1k^d−1.

Metrics of other topologies:

TopologyDiameterBisection BW#LinksDegree
Linear arrayp1\mathrm{p}-11p1\mathrm{p}-12+12+1
2-D Mesh2(p1)2(\sqrt{p}-1)p\sqrt{p}2p(p1)2 \sqrt{p}(\sqrt{p}-1)4+14+1
Hypercubelog2p\log _2 pp2\frac{p}{2}p2×log2p\frac{p}{2} \times \log _2 plog2p+1\log _2 p+1
k-ary d-meshd(k1)d(k-1)kd1k^{d-1}dkd1(k1)d k^{d-1}(k-1)2d+12 d+1
k-ary Tree2×logkp2 \times \log _k p1k(p1)k(p-1)(k+1)+1(k+1)+1
k-ary Fat Tree2×logkp2 \times \log _k pp2\frac{p}{2}k(p1)k(p-1)(k+1)+1(k+1)+1
Butterflylog2p\log _2 pp2\frac{p}{2}2p×log2p2 p \times \log _2 p4+14+1

Switching Policy

When considering that data will travel over more than just one link, there are two switching policies for a network:

  • circuit switching, where a connection between a sender and receiver is reserved prior to data being sent over the connection.
  • packet switching, when a large message is transmitted on a channel, it is fragmented and encapsulated into packets, the circuit may changes for each packet.

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Comparing those two policies:

  • Circuit switching requires a connection setup, which adds latency and risks underutilization if idle. Collisions delay other traffic until the connection is released. However, it offers fast message delivery, simpler routing, minimal buffering, and lower power consumption once established.
  • Packet switching avoids setup delays, handles multiple traffic flows efficiently, but incurs higher routing delays, power consumption, and buffering needs at each router.

Routing Policy for Packet Switching

Store and Forward

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A packet must be fully received (and stored) by a node, before it can be forwarded to the next node.


Tstrfwd=H×(Tr+LB)\mathbf{T}_{strfwd} = H\times \left( T_{r} + \frac{L}{B} \right)

Where the first bit has to travel through HH hops and each hop incurs a routing latency of TrT_r, then the header latency is H×TrH\times T_r, and the serialization latency is LB\frac{L}{B}.

Cut-through and Wormhole

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Parts of a packet can be forwarded to the next router even before the packet has fully arrived at the current router.


Tcut through=H×Tr+LB\mathbf{T}_{cut\ through} = H\times T_{r} + \frac{L}{B}

Where the first bit has to travel through HH hops and each hop incurs a routing latency of TrT_r, then the header latency is H×TrH\times T_r, and the serialization latency is LB\frac{L}{B}.

Key benefit of cut-through or wormhole routing is lower packet transmission latency.


The high level view of cut-through and wormhole policy is quite the same, but they are difference when down to the granularity of their flow control unit.

  • In a cut-through routing, the fow control works on a packet size granularity
  • in a wormhole routing, the fow control works on a fit granularity
AspectStore-and-Forward SwitchingWormhole Switching
FigurePasted image 20241104141801Pasted image 20241104141815
Delivery MechanismEach intermediate router fully receives and stores the entire packet before forwarding.Packets are divided into flits; only the header flit is routed, with others following immediately.
LatencyHigh, as each hop incurs the full packet transmission and processing delay.Low, as only the header incurs routing delay, and flits flow pipeline-style.
Buffer RequirementsLarge, as the entire packet must be buffered at each hop.Small, as only a few flits are buffered (e.g., one or two).
Congestion ImpactBlocks resources until the entire packet clears, worsening congestion.May block only portions of a packet, allowing partial progress.
PerformanceSlower, particularly for large packets or high-diameter networks.Faster and more efficient, especially for small flits and low-diameter networks.
Fault ToleranceCan retransmit the full packet if an error occurs.Requires retransmitting the entire packet if any flit is lost.

Routing Algorithms

Routing options:

  • Minimal: Chooses the shortest path (fewest hops).
  • Non-minimal: Allows longer paths, often to bypass congestion.
  • Deterministic: Always selects the same path for a given source-destination pair.
  • Non-deterministic: Allows variability in path selection.
  • Oblivious: Uses diverse paths, often involving randomization, without considering network state. Pasted image 20241210000709
  • Adaptive: Adjusts paths based on network conditions (e.g., congestion). Pasted image 20241210000718
  • Per-hop Routing: Each router decides the next step dynamically.
  • Source Routing: The entire path is precomputed at the source.
  • Deadlock-free: Ensures routing avoids deadlocks entirely.
  • Dimension-ordered: Traverses dimensions (e.g., x, then y, then z) in a fixed order to simplify routing. Pasted image 20241210000651

Deadlock Avoiding


Content below is not included in final exam

By Avoiding Closed Loops in Routing Path

By Restricting Allowed Turns

Router Node Implementation

Lookup Table vs. Source Routing

Router Architecture

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In figure, when virtual cut-through routing is used:

  • on input boxes, the flow control requires the buffer to be able to accommodate an entire packet
  • on output boxes, it is guaranteed that the downstream router has sufficient buffer space for an entire packet. Thus, fits of a packet can flow through directly to the output channel

In order to send flits to the next router, header flit will be processed with:

  1. Decode and Compute (DC): decode header to know input channel and destination, the destination may be used to compute the output port, based on arithmetic calculation or based on a look up of the routing table.
  2. Virtual-Channel Allocation (VA): a request for an output virtual channel is made, and a global virtual channel arbitration decides whether the requested output virtual channel is available (can be allocated) or not.
  3. Switch Allocation (SA): global switch allocator allocates the switch to connect the input channel and output port (where the output virtual channel is connected).
  4. Switch Traversal (ST): transmit the fit is transmitted through the switch to the output virtual channel. Note that other flits of the packet(non-header) will only walk through the last two steps. Those steps are scheduled in pipelined manner:

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Compared to packet switching, circuit switching can be more efficient for long distance routing.