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Data Dependency

Data Dependences

concurrent != parallel control parallel != data parallel

speed up limitations:

  • dependencies
  • communication overheads
  • synchronization

dependencies that prevent parallel execution:

  • resource dependency: wash multiple clothes with single watching machine measure parallelism: Flynn's Taxonomy

Definition: Data Dependency Assuming statement S1S_{1} and S2S_{2}, S2S_{2} depends on S1S_{1} if:

[I(S1)O(S2)][O(S1)I(S2)][O(S1)O(S2)]=[I(S_{1})\cap O(S_{2})] \cup [O(S_{1}) \cap I(S_{2})] \cup [O(S_{1})\cap O(S_{2})] = \emptyset


  • I(Si)I(S_{i}) is the set of memory locations read by S1S_{1}
  • O(Sj)O(S_{j}) is the set of memory locations written by SjS_{j}

Three cases exist:

  • Anti-dependency (Write After Read): I(S1)O(S2),S1S2I(S_{1}) \cap O(S_{2}) \neq \emptyset, S_{1}\to S_{2} and S1S_{1} reads before S2S_{2} overwrites it. Written as S1A S2S_{1}\rightarrow A\ S_{2}.
  • True dependency (Read After Write): O(S1)I(S2),S1S2O(S_{1}) \cap I(S_{2}) \neq \emptyset, S_{1} \to S_{2} and S1S_{1} writes before something read by S2S_{2}. Written as S1T S2S_{1} \to T\ S_{2}
  • Output dependency (Write After Write): O(S1)O(S2),S1toS2O(S_{1}) \cap O(S_{2}) \neq \emptyset, S_{1} to S_{2} and both write to the same memory location. Written as S1O S2S_{1} \rightarrow O\ S_{2}

There will be no concurrency problems for read after read, only with write the problem is to be addressed.


Example: True Dependency Pasted image 20240921164633


Example: Anti Dependency Pasted image 20240921164658


Example: Output Dependency Pasted image 20240921164719


True dependence is the case that we most worry about.


Pasted image 20240523214443

  • For anti-dependence
S1[i,j]A S1[i+1,j]S1[i,j]A S1[1,j+1]\begin{align} S_{1}[i,j] \rightarrow A\ S_{1}[i+1,j] \\ S_{1}[i,j] \rightarrow A\ S_{1}[1,j+1] \end{align}
  • For true dependence:
S1[i,j]T S1[i,j+1]S1[i,j]T S1[i+1,j]\begin{align} S_{1}[i,j] \rightarrow T\ S_{1}[i,j+1] \\ S_{1}[i,j] \rightarrow T\ S_{1}[i+1,j] \end{align}
  • For output dependence: None

Loop-carried Dependences


What is Iteration-space Traversal Graph (ITG)? The ITG shows graphically the order of traversal in the iteration space. This is sometimes called the happens-before relationship. In an ITG:

  • A node represents a point in the iteration space
  • A directed edge indicates the next-point that will be encountered after the current point is traversed

Pasted image 20240523165109 In example above:

  • It is loop-carried on for j loop
  • There is no loop-carried dependence in for i loop

Pasted image 20240523214459

  • For anti-dependence:
S2[i,j]A S3[i,j]\begin{align} S_{2}[i,j] \rightarrow A\ S_{3}[i,j] \end{align}
  • For true dependence:
S2[i,j]S3[i,j+1]\begin{align} S_{2}[i,j] \rightarrow S_{3}[i,j+1] \end{align}
  • For output dependence: None

Draw the LDG: Pasted image 20240523220938


LDG is useful because it shows how can you parallel the code, for the above example, applying parallelism along ii axis(modifying jj only in each thread) is possible according to the LDG.

[!TIP] Why is the anti-dependence not shown on the graph? LDG does not show loop-independent dependences, because a node represents all statements in a particular iteration,


Identifying things that can be written in parallel code with LDG is machine independent, which means that we do not care about memory access patterns, and machine dependent factors.


#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
for(int j=1; j<N, j++)
a[i][j] = a[i][j-1] + 1;

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